In the present study, twenty-five male goat kids (20±2.5 kg BW) were used during an 84- day experimental period to determine the effect of source and level of sulfur supplementation on mohair characteristics and performance. Experimental diets were diets containing 0.18% (as control), 0.24% and 0.34% DM inorganic or organic sulfur. The data were analyzed as a 2 × 2 factorial design. Methionine and sulfur flower were used as organic and inorganic sources of sulfur, respectively. Diets containing inorganic sulfur increased greasy and clean mohair production and staple length when compared with organic sulfur (P<0.02). No significant differences in performance parameters including the dry matter intake (DMI), final body weight (FBW), average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and water intake (WI) were observed between the experimental diets. Diets containing 0.24% DM organic sulfur increased apparent crude protein digestibility when compared with the control diet. The results showed that 0.18% sulfur (DM basis) may be adequate to meet the sulfur requirement of growing male goat kids. Feeding greater levels of sulfur had negligible effect on mohair characteristics and performance.
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Azizi, O. , Shadman, S. and Sadeghi, G. A. (2017). Effect of source and level of sulfur supplementation on mohair characteristics and growth in male goat kids. Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, 5(2), 19-27. doi: 10.22103/jlst.2017.9539.1172
Azizi, O. , , Shadman, S. , and Sadeghi, G. A. . "Effect of source and level of sulfur supplementation on mohair characteristics and growth in male goat kids", Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, 5, 2, 2017, 19-27. doi: 10.22103/jlst.2017.9539.1172
Azizi, O., Shadman, S., Sadeghi, G. A. (2017). 'Effect of source and level of sulfur supplementation on mohair characteristics and growth in male goat kids', Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, 5(2), pp. 19-27. doi: 10.22103/jlst.2017.9539.1172
O. Azizi , S. Shadman and G. A. Sadeghi, "Effect of source and level of sulfur supplementation on mohair characteristics and growth in male goat kids," Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, 5 2 (2017): 19-27, doi: 10.22103/jlst.2017.9539.1172
Azizi, O., Shadman, S., Sadeghi, G. A. Effect of source and level of sulfur supplementation on mohair characteristics and growth in male goat kids. Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies, 2017; 5(2): 19-27. doi: 10.22103/jlst.2017.9539.1172