Morphological differentiation of northern Morocco goat

Document Type : Research Article (Regular Paper)


1 Faculty of Science and Technology, Km 10 Ziaten, BP:416, Tangier, Morocco.

2 Department of Animal Production, University of Cordoba, Campus of Rabanales. 14071 Córdoba, Spain.

3 National Institute of Agricultural Research, Regional Center of Tangier, 78 Avenue Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, 90010 Tangier, Morocco.


Data from 183 animals raised in 61 flocks were collected to investigate the morphological characteristics of the Northern Morocco goat. Nine zoometric measures and seven combined indices were obtained. Three zones were defined  based on geo-climatic characteristics and environmental influences: Mediterranean, Atlantic and Dual. The morphological variables showed the absence of sexual dimorphism in the northern Morocco goat population. Measures were generally very similar (n.s. at p
